THE iDOLM@STER MAD World Service -The Gentlemen's guide to the idolmaster-

Jun 30, 2010 Pickups

* cranky "holy nite mix"

Sorry, sm11230615 was deleted.

Today's first pickup is an alternative trailer of THE iDOLM@STER game. It shows pieces of information about its game system, such as to produce idols in 52 weeks and so on. This is very new movie, but it lets us feel some nostalgia.

* Rei Harakami "After Next Joy" feat. Yukiho by AerieP

Sorry, sm11228952 was deleted.

The next one is a healing movie by AerieP. He said that he made the movie to heal himself, and the combination of the slow music and Yukiho's dance let us relax well.

* Mayumi Iizuka "My Partner" feat. Yukiho and Makoto by EsegawaP

Mayumi Iizuka "My Partner" feat. Yukiho and Makoto

Mayumi Iizuka "My Partner" feat. Yukiho and Makoto (02:40)

2010-06-29 Posted
286 Mylists

Today's last one is a cute movie of Yukiho and Makoto. EsegawaP finally completed his movie in spite of a lot of troubles. Yukiho and Makoto dancing in the movie are partners with strong bonds and quite cute. The duo of them are superb!

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