Aug 05, 2005 iM@S KAKU-tail Party 3 lunatic blue 5-A~5E
* "iM@S KAKU-tail Party 3 LB" 5-A
アイドルマスター 「iM@S KAKU-tail Party 3 LB」 5-A (09:30) 2008-08-02 Posted |
Presenters: (Idol Theme)
- mokeP (Azusa Cheering)
- mashiruP (Makoto Rock)
- akagixxP (Ritsuko Navel)
- okurudaP (Haruka Dragon)
- okina.P (Miki But)
* "iM@S KAKU-tail Party 3 LB" 5-B
アイドルマスター 「iM@S KAKU-tail Party 3 LB」 5-B (10:41) 2008-08-02 Posted |
Presenters: (Idol Theme)
- VIeWP (Chihaya Morning)
- ?P (Ami,Mami √)
- TokuP (Yayoi Triangle)
- SUSP (Iori Thunder)
- nojiP (Yukiho Wing)
* "iM@S KAKU-tail Party 3 LB" 5-C
アイドルマスター 「iM@S KAKU-tail Party 3 LB」 5-C (10:58) 2008-08-02 Posted |
Presenters: (Idol Theme)
- nekorokiP (Haruka Minute)
- nyaaP (Yayoi Tea)
- andrewP (Yukiho Prohibition)
- aloinsP (Makoto Center)
- kakiP (Azusa Machine)
* "iM@S KAKU-tail Party 3 LB" 5-D
アイドルマスター 「iM@S KAKU-tail Party 3 LB」 5-D (10:41) 2008-08-02 Posted |
Presenters: (Idol Theme)
- kurawanP (Ami,Mami Drop)
- da~okaP (Yukiho ?[question mark])
- gomaP (Ritsuko Rain)
- kaizatoP (Yayoi Miracle)
- nakajimaP (Miki Energy)
* "iM@S KAKU-tail Party 3 LB" 5-E
アイドルマスター 「iM@S KAKU-tail Party 3 LB」 5-E (10:41) 2008-08-02 Posted |
Presenters: (Idol Theme)
- gurindaiP (Iori Over)
- shimejiP (Haruka 100%)
- seijoP (Makoto Mother)
- ??P(secret) (Chihaya Re)
- kiharuP (Azusa God)
Go to the next day ! iM@S KAKU-tail Party 3 Lunatic BLUE 6-A~6-E