Jul 29, 2008 Pickups from KAKU-tail Party 3 SR
* Melancholy of KUGIMIYA Haruhi by cocoonP
アイドルマスター 釘宮ハルヒの憂鬱 (01:08) 2008-07-28 Posted |
This is a single version of "Melancholy of KUGIMIYA Haruhi" which was submitted to the KAKU-tail Party 3 Shiny Red by cocoonP. Be careful about KVHCC. (cf. KVHCC is an abbreviated expressions of Kugimiya Virus Hypersensitive Celebral Corticalitis. For more detail, please watch below.)
【iKnow!】あのタグを英語で言うと?【外部プレイヤー対応記念】 (06:45) 2008-06-17 Posted |
* The mebius company will participate to Makoto's birthday festival (preview)
メビウス中隊が真の誕生祭に参加するようです(予告編) (01:30) 2008-07-22 Posted |
It's just a month until her birthday. Are you ready?