Sep 05, 2008 Pickups
* Haruka "Grasshopper" by YuuyuuP
アイドルマスター 春香 「グラスホッパー」 (01:38) 2008-09-05 Posted |
You would not stop watching only once because...
* Makoto's Birthday PV "I'm not ashamed because it is not an underwear." by M@co.jP
アイドルマスター 菊地真 パンツじゃないから恥ずかしくない誕生日PV (01:30) 2008-09-04 Posted |
M@co.jP is one of great animators in the iM@S MAD Community. You will see a commercial quality anime in the MAD.
* "Sagittarius Stars PM9 Don't be late." by enokunP
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