Sep 25, 2008 Western Day
* Western Day
Every Thursday,
On Western musics you'll watch GREAT iM@S MADs
Rocks, Pops and sometimes Classical music!?
Don't miss 'em!
* You May Be Right (80's Western Music M@ster)
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アイドルマスター 『In the city』 Madness (02:56) 2008-09-17 Posted |
* Keiko Lee "We Will Rock You" feat. ACM by OyajinoajiP
Keiko Lee "We Will Rock You" (03:04) 2008-08-07 Posted |
This is also ACM! This movie by OyajinoajiP is made to respect ekaoP for the following his "ACM Will Rock You!" feat. ACM.
* Queen "ACM Will Rock You!" by ekaoP
Queen "ACM Will Rock You!" (03:21) 2008-05-25 Posted |
This movie is a masterpiece of a skillful Taiwanese producer, ekaoP. I guarantee that you will be rocked!