Oct 04, 2008 Pickups
* "Project.VA -V-"
【MAD】 アイドルマスター Project.VA -V- (02:16) 2008-10-04 Posted |
Deadblue238P is a famous producer to use overconcentrated effects. This movie challenges to express Haruka's split personality.
* "Summer Vacation" by wacwacP
アイドルマスター SummerVacation 【真】 (01:46) 2008-07-19 Posted |
Many many Makoto are here!
* "The Ruling Class(The Monochrome set/Ego Wrappin')" by dikeP
アイドルマスター The Ruling Class(The Monochrome Set/Ego Wrappin') 春香ソロ (02:48) 2008-10-04 Posted |
You done her wrong?