Nov 01, 2008
* "Symphony No.5 <Breakfast>" by monoP
交響曲第5番「朝ごはん」 (01:36) 2008-10-25 Posted |
Good morning everybody...
* "Aoi Tori" feat. Iori and Chihaya by tloP
アイドルマスター 伊織と千早と蒼い鳥 (03:48) 2008-10-26 Posted |
Chihaya sticks to be a singer, and Iori feels a meaning on being an idol. One day, the two idols, who often clash, have to stand on the same stage to sing "a pale blue bird(Aoi Tori)" that is in Chihaya's repartory because of unexpected reason.
Based on such a fictional story, this MAD movie was created. The movie beautifully illustlates that the two idols, having disliked each other, become to understand each other on the stage. Enjoy deepness of Idolm@aster MAD movie expression.