Nov 22, 2008 Pickups
* Two collaborations
There are several unions consisting of MAD creators who started making NicoM@S MAD movies in same period, and they sometimes make collaboration MAD movies. I introduce MAD movies that two groups released today.
* Project "Nov.", Producers debuted on Nov. 2007
アイドルマスター 07年11月P一周年記念合作 Project”Nov.”Aパート (09:53) 2008-11-22 Posted |
アイドルマスター 07年11月P一周年記念合作 Project”Nov.”Bパート (09:45) 2008-11-22 Posted |
* "V+C4U medley", Producers debuted on Mar. 2008
アイドルマスター 2008年3月デビューP合作『V+C4U!メドレー』 (15:09) 2008-11-21 Posted |