Dec 02, 2008 Pickups
* surface "Then, Bye-bye" by EconomyP
Sorry, sm5388064 was deleted.
This is also from single-cut version of MSC3 as pickpups of yesterday. Haruka's expression putting her tongue out is impressive. Unfortunately, thisn MAD movie could not survive in MSC because impacting scenes were so scattered that selection of disclosure could not be optimized the regulation. However, it is the most popular MAD movie among single-cuts of MSC so far. Though dancing scene of FIVE idols looks so natural, maximum number of idols in the original game is three.
* "blue moon sea" feat. Haruka by MisoP
アイドルマスター blue moon sea 春香のような何か (04:19) 2008-11-29 Posted |
Though I cannot say that this MAD movie was fit for MSC, the single-cut version is popular. Haruka singing under moon light is quite fantasic!