Dec 04, 2008 Western Day
* Western Day
Every Thursday,
On Western musics you'll watch GREAT iM@S MADs
Rocks, Pops and sometimes Classical music!?
Don't miss 'em!
* 2 Unlimited "The Real Thing" feat. Miki and Makoto by NopoponP
I guarantee the MAD movie to surprize you. It shows absolutely surpising synchronization with its original PV!
アイドルマスター 美希x真 The Real Thing (03:38) 2008-11-30 Posted |
And comparison with 2 Unlimited's original PV.
【比較版】アイドルマスター 美希x真 The Real Thing (03:38) 2008-11-30 Posted |
* E3 - intEr mEdia artists and spEcialists by rinP
E3 - intEr mEdia artists and spEcialists (03:00) 2008-11-29 Posted |
We cannot believe that this movie was beaten at the first-round (local region match) of MSC3.