Dec 12, 2008 Pickups
* "A girl dropped from sky" feat. Ami bt UshiwakaP
アイドルマスター『空から降ってきた少女』(亜美) (02:24) 2008-11-30 Posted |
Today, I pick up MAD movies featuring young idols of 765 Production. First of all, Ami dances with ths song from the famous movie "Laputa, the Castle in the Sky." The original color tone of ushiakaP creats a good atmosphere.
* "Hearty Party" feat. Yayoi and Iori by MoaP
アイドルマスター「Hearty Party」やよい・伊織 (03:44) 2008-12-06 Posted |
In the next MAD movie, Yayoi and Iori challenge cooking. They make tasty confectionery!
* "Pitton-Pettan-Pi" feat. Yayoi, Ami and Iori by OGOP
アイドルマスターロリトリオ「ぴっとんぺったんぴ」 (02:42) 2008-12-07 Posted |
In the last one, all three idols dance with a pretty song. I say that it is really cute.