Dec 16, 2008 Pickups
* Perfume "Ceramic Girl" feat. Haruka by ChihiroP
アイドルマスター 「セラミックガール」 半PV (02:05) 2008-12-06 Posted |
In 2008, Perfume's songs are very popular in NicoM@S Community. This MAD movie is one of the most popular works amongst MSC3 entries using Perfume's songs.
* "Run To You" feat. Makoto by CannonP
[MAD]Run To You-From ポップン16- (真ソロ) ~アイドルマスター~ (02:11) 2008-12-13 Posted |
This is the latest work of canonP working exclusively for Makoto for a long time. Cuteness of Makoto videotaped by him is peerless. Be chamed by bracing Makoto's smile!
* "Night of Nights" by TokachiP
アイドルマスター ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (03:11) 2008-12-14 Posted |
Wait until 2:40, and you will see Haruka!