THE iDOLM@STER MAD World Service -The Gentlemen's guide to the idolmaster-

Mar 10, 2009 Pickups

* "Girls, be ambitious!" feat. Haruka by YoheiP

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Haruka's new number, "Girls, be ambitious!," has cheerful melody and lyrics like her and wins popularity. This MAD movie expressed such cheerfulness by hand-drawing animation. Because it is yoheiP's maiden work, we can expect his next work!

* "Stew"

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Unknown creator made this mysterious MAD movie. We could be intoxicated just by watching it. The music is from "Frosti" by Bjork.

* "Love Love Magic" feat. Yayoi and Iori by dbdbP

"Love Love Magic" feat. Yayoi and Iori

"Love Love Magic" feat. Yayoi and Iori (02:40)

2009-03-03 Posted
257 Mylists

This MAD movie uses a theme song of an anime, "Twin Princess of Wonderful Star." It is very interesting that charactors look like anime by changing their hair color.

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