Oct 15, 2009 Western Day
* Western Day
Every Thursday,
on Western musics you'll watch GREAT iM@S MAD videos.
Rocks, Pops and sometimes Classical music!?
Don't miss 'em!
* Ramones "Blitzkrieg Bop" Feat. Haruka, Chihaya and Yayoi by FrauP
Ramones "Blitzkrieg Bop" Feat. Haruka, Chihaya and Yayoi by FrauP (02:14) 2009-10-08 Posted |
Today's first pickup is FrauP's latest work. FrauP is a regular member among creators picked up in the Western Day by his excellent work using non-Japanese music. This movie is also quite nice that it expresses a natural atmosphere of live performance well by a lot of effects. Never miss it!
* BECK "Sexx Laws" Feat. Haruka by OchaP
BECK "Sexx Laws" Feat. Haruka by OchaP (01:45) 2009-10-11 Posted |
The second pickup is OchaP's comical movie. This is our second pickup of his works, and he shows a lot of stylish effects and expresses the world of used song well. Though it uses a lot of Haruka's derivative character, we wonder why it did not become so chaotic.
* Jamiroquai "cosmic girl" Feat. Miki, Yukiho and Haruka by OtomodachiP
Jamiroquai "cosmic girl" Feat. Miki, Yukiho and Haruka by OtomodachiP (01:47) 2009-10-13 Posted |
The wave of "incredible maiden work" has just come to the Western Day. OtomodachiP's work using Jamiroquai's masterpiece shows his sure skills. Let's look forward to his next work!