THE iDOLM@STER MAD World Service -The Gentlemen's guide to the idolmaster-

Dec 21, 2009 Pickups

* Ayane "Lunatic Tears..." feat. Haruka, Makoto and Yukiho

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We picked up a fine work by an unknown movie creator before, and the next anonymous one has come. Though we are not sure whether they are made by same creator, we guarantee you can not turn your eyes away until its end like the previous movies. Never miss it!

* Kuki-Kodan(Public Corporation of Air) "Kabe-ni Utsutta Kinou(Yesterday Projected on the Wall)" feat. Haruka by SabishiroP

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Today's second one is a masterpiece that we put "Super" tag after a long while. When you find its mylist/view ratio is currently over 20%, you understand that this movie is eligible for the tag. Though it begins with a quite calm effects, the latter part should not be missed absolutely.

* Rita "dorchadas" by YurineP

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The last one is a laborious hand-drawing MAD movie. Though this is our first pickup of YurineP's work, it shows an overwhelming effect using enormous number of hand-drawings. The movie is a reproduction of an opening movie of a Japanese erotic game, so it is also an entry for The EroticGameM@ster09 Festival. Enjoy it!

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