THE iDOLM@STER MAD World Service -The Gentlemen's guide to the idolmaster-

Mar 27, 2010 Pickups

* KOTOKO "Close to me..." feat. Haruka by KiharuP

KOTOKO "Close to me..." feat. Haruka by KiharuP

KOTOKO "Close to me..." feat. Haruka by KiharuP (02:47)

2010-03-27 Posted
912 Mylists

Though we often use an adjective, "orthodox," in our short comments of this web site, we are sometimes afraid of that the "orthodox" make you misunderstand that the "orthodox" movies are common or insignificant. We feel movies that idols sing and dance on the stage are orthodox, but such kind of recent movies are generally made with cutting-edge video technology. KiharuP's latest work is a good example of them. Do not miss it!

* Promotion Video Medley of 3x3P's

Promotion Video Medley of 3x3P's

Promotion Video Medley of 3x3P's (11:25)

2010-03-26 Posted
899 Mylists

Creators in the NicoM@S Community like to make joint works by a variety of groups. Today we pick up a magnum opus by 19 creators who debuted March, 2007, 2008 and 2009. We really enjoyed kaleidoscopic change of styles in the movie, and we believe that you will feel the 11 minutes quite cheerful and short.

* Maaya Sakamoto "Yoyake-no Octave(Octave of Dawn)" by KeybowP

Sorry, sm10175703 was deleted.

Today's last pickup is a fine work in the Hand-drawing category. The lyrics of the song include a lot of witticisms in Japanese, and it is very difficult to explain its interest. However, we think that its cute illustrations are still enjoyable for you.

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