THE iDOLM@STER MAD World Service -The Gentlemen's guide to the idolmaster-

Apr 14, 2010 Pickups

* OHNO Kiyofumi "A deep-sea fish" feat. Azusa by SyadoP

OHNO Kiyofumi "A deep-sea fish" feat. Azusa

OHNO Kiyofumi "A deep-sea fish" feat. Azusa (02:50)

2010-04-09 Posted
2,093 Mylists

After the end of download contents provision for The iDOLM@STER Xbox360, the number of movies using self-made 3D models for MikuMikuDance steeply increases in the NicoM@S Community. On the other hand, movies with hand-drawing illustrations are also active. Today, we pick up the latest works in the category.

First of all, we show you a marvelous anime movie by SyadoP who have worked in the category for a long while. Azusa plays a shy adult woman who can not confess her love, and the used song likens her to a deep-sea fish. Like his past works, the movie includes a little kidding expressions, but it shows a nice story.

* "Yayoi saying 'Uu-!' to the rhythm"

Yayoi saying "Uu-!" to the rhythm

Yayoi saying "Uu-!" to the rhythm (02:30)

2010-04-14 Posted
4,391 Mylists

The next one is a sound-remix movie using Yayoi's favorite phrase, "Uu-!," and hand-drawing animation is also cute. incidentally the reason why Chihaya often appears on the screen is based on an episode that Chihaya's voice actress like Yayoi very much.

* Yuzu "I cannot say well" feat. Haruka by yuzusukeP

Sorry, sm10390905 was deleted.

Though the last one is a little long movie, it shows Haruka's story by hand-drawing illustrations. (Caution: The following part includes the core part of the story.) In the game, Haruka's producer parts her in the ending, but many players who reached to the ending are not satisfied. Then, such a fantasy depicted in the movie is popular, though we feel that both are nice :-)

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