Jul 30, 2010 Pickups
* Kana Nishino "Come On Yes Yes Oh Yeah!!" feat. Haruka and Miku by keykeip
Kana Nishino "Come On Yes Yes Oh Yeah!!" feat. Haruka and Miku (01:56) 2010-07-30 Posted |
Today's first pickup is a fine collaboration between THE iDOLM@STER and Miku Hatsune. There were many works that idols in THE iDOLM@STER dance songs sung by VOCALOID. However, keykeip's latest work shows Haruka and Miku dance a song sung by a vocalist in real. By the way, this is also an entry for HaRuKarnival'10. Enjoy his quite stylish stage effects!
* BOOWY "DREAMIN'" feat. Haruka, Mitsuki, Shin-ichi and Ritsu by GsamaP
BOOWY "DREAMIN'" feat. Haruka, Mitsuki and Ritsu (03:16) 2010-07-30 Posted |
GsamaP released his latest work after a while, and you immediately understand why he took time to make it by a glance. This is also an opening movie of Nicom@sRockFes2010 event to make MAD movies using rock music. Mitsuki, Shinichi and Ritsu is male idols based on Miki, Chihaya and Ritsuko by KoukatsuZenraTomitakeP. Never miss cool stage effects and Haruka's guitar performance!
* "Harukkaka-ni Shiteageru!(I Let You Admire Haruka!)" feat. Haruka and The Others by AsisuP
"Harukkaka-ni Shiteageru!(I Let You Admire Haruka!)" feat. Haruka and The Others (01:39) 2010-07-30 Posted |
Today's last one is a MMD version of "Harukakka-ni Shiteageru!," a parody of a popular Miku's song, "Mikkumiku-ni Shiteageru!," in 2007. AsisuP reproduced ArisueP's hand-drawing movie with tools that were available freely. Haruka is dancing with legacy accessory, a drill and a gas-mask that we are not sure why they are for idols, today!