THE iDOLM@STER MAD World Service -The Gentlemen's guide to the idolmaster-

Aug 18, 2010 Pickups

* PERSONA 3 "When the Moon's Reaching out the stars" feat. Makoto by LiBiTsP

PERSONA3 "When the Moon's Reaching out the stars"

PERSONA3 "When the Moon's Reaching out the stars" (01:57)

2010-08-17 Posted
167 Mylists

Today's first pickup is LiBiTsP's latest work. He made a fine work using PERSONA 3's music before, and this is a sequel to it. This is also as stylish and cool as his previous work. Do not miss!

* Hokago(After School) Tea Time "Kira-Kira(Twinkle) Days" feat. Yayoi by TwokunP

Hokago(After School) Tea Time "Kira-Kira(Twinkle) Days" feat. Yayoi

Hokago(After School) Tea Time "Kira-Kira(Twinkle) Days" feat. Yayoi (01:33)

2010-08-17 Posted
108 Mylists

The second pickup is a new work of TwokunP who enjoys an established reputation for his nice synchronization. Though this movie looks simple, we have to be attracted the nice combination of the dance and song. We always call it "orthodox." Enjoy!

* Chihaya, Haruka and Miki "L.O.B.M in Schoolish Girl" by ArakabuP

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Creators who can not wait for the release of THE iDOLM@STER 2 begin to use MMD. This promotion video shows Chihaya and Miki with hair style in the 2. They wear "Schoolish Girl" costume in the last download contents(DLC) for THE iDOLM@STER SP, and they dance the latest "L.O.B.M," using the dance of "shiny smile." It is very exciting that 3D models for MMD are developing so quickly into great ones.

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