THE iDOLM@STER MAD World Service -The Gentlemen's guide to the idolmaster-

Sep 07, 2010 Pickups

* Cyndi Wang "Honey" feat. Mami, Haruka, Miki, Yukiho and Ritsuko by BatabataP

Cyndi Wang "Honey" feat. Mami, Haruka, Miki, Yukiho and Ritsuko

Cyndi Wang "Honey" feat. Mami, Haruka, Miki, Yukiho and Ritsuko (03:33)

2010-09-05 Posted
458 Mylists

Today's first pickup is a self-supplemental work of BatabataP's entry for MikuMikuDanceCup V. BatabataP regretted that his previous work did not shows his Mami's model enough, so this movie shows her in center position. Enjoy their pretty dance!

* "Yukiho Breath" by GEN-ZOP and ChihiroP

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The second one is a movie using a cool remix of Yukiho's "Futari-no Kioku(Two's Memory)." It uses her breath as a music instrumental, and it brings a sexy atmosphere to the movie. Enjoy its cool and sexy mood!

* Haruka Amami "I WANT" by SnufkinP

Haruka Amami "I WANT"

Haruka Amami "I WANT" (02:04)

2010-09-07 Posted
137 Mylists

The last one is our first pickup of SnufkinP's works. It uses an official song and dance of Haruka, but the video is a little intricate. Japanese characters on the screen shows the song's lyrics and the video is a kind of kinematic typography. Enjoy it!

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