Jul 03, 2012 The iDOLM@STER Weekly Ranking of June 4th week
* The iDOLM@STER Weekly Ranking
We introduce the iDOLM@STER weekly ranking to you week by week.
The iDOLM@STER weekly ranking has the longest history and is the best authoritative in the ranking movies of the iM@S MADs, which has been tirelessly published for more than four years. This series is the most suited to know popularity and information of the iM@S MADs.
The iDOLM@STER Weekly Ranking of June 4th week (22:34) 2012-07-03 Posted |
If there are movies which you want to watch more, please write down the movie information (e.g. movie number: sm***, or rank...) as a comment! We'll profile the movies in this page or the Pickup! Take it easy.
- AKIZUKI Ritsuko "Hakkin(Platinum) Disco" by ShamoP
- 765PRO ALLSTARS "GO MY WAY!!" by KemaribuP
- A novel in Japanese.
- A novel in Japanese.
- A comic in Japanese.
- 765PRO ALLSTARS "Jibun REST@RT(Restart Myself)" by EnikoP
- A Japanese movie.
- A movie by using notepad.exe
- A parody of The iDOLM@STER anime.
- A novel in Japanese.
* "?" & "TOWN" feat. Haruka by Kamao
"?" & "TOWN" feat. Haruka (01:59) 2012-06-27 Posted |
This week's NO.17!
* HATSUNE Miku "Gekkou(Moonlight) Transfer" feat. Ritsuko by KiusagiZugakousaku
HATSUNE Miku "Gekkou(Moonlight) Transfer" feat. Ritsuko (03:07) 2012-06-23 Posted |
This week's NO.85!