Oct 26, 2012 Pickups
* ZAQ "Sparkling Daydream" feat. Yukiho by ShagiP
ZAQ "Sparkling Daydream" feat. Yukiho (01:30) 2012-10-25 Posted |
When we picked up Haruka version of this idea two days ago, we guessed that ShagiP made Yukiho version. The expectation came true. Enjoy!
* UNISON SQUARE GARDEN "Counter Identity" by Gre-monP
UNISON SQUARE GARDEN "Counter Identity" (02:57) 2012-10-24 Posted |
This is probably Gre-monP's first work featuring 765 PRO Allstars. He shows excellent dance synchronization in this work as usual. Don't miss it!
* RADWIMPS "Kyoshin sho (Angina pectoris)" feat. RyuguKomachi by 2960P
2960P made a continuation of the movie posted two years ago again. We can't explain what 2960P wanted to tell us, so think of it from the lyrics.