Nov 19, 2012 Pickups
* GANAHA Hibiki "Next Life" by KanchouP
GANAHA Hibiki "Next Life" (06:20) 2012-11-19 Posted |
KanchouP made a fine work showing Hibiki's stylish dance. TOHYAMA Akitaka, the composer of this song, spoke well of this movie on Twitter.
* Kindan no Tasuuketsu "Tokerun desu" feat. Ritsuko, Haruka, Chihaya, Miki, Iori, Makoto and Yukiho by JetP
Kindan no Tasuuketsu "Tokerun desu" feat. Ritsuko, Haruka, Chihaya, Miki, Iori, Makoto and Yukiho (02:29) 2012-11-15 Posted |
Seeing this JetP's new video, we felt good with its fantastic and brilliant atmosphere. So beautiful!
* amazarashi "Namonakihito" feat. Haruka by Morinaga_DarkP
amazarashi "Namonakihito" feat. Haruka (05:20) 2012-11-17 Posted |
Morinaga_DarkP shortened the animation "THE iDOLM@STER" episode #24 and chose a well-matched song.