Nov 25, 2012 Pickups
* 765PRO ALLSTARS "te-yut-te" by 2banP
765PRO ALLSTARS "te-yut-te" (01:22) 2012-11-24 Posted |
2banP's lateset work gives us a joyful heart. You want to play back such a delightful movie many times, don't you?
* KAGA Takeshi "Ja-nay" Yayoi, Iori and Ami by GyoP
KAGA Takeshi "Ja-nay" Yayoi, Iori and Ami (01:56) 2012-11-23 Posted |
Perfect dance synchronization! We feel great!
* ASAKURA Azumi "Kagirinaku Junsui ni chikai Daten ~Fall Down~" by MakoTP
ASAKURA Azumi "Kagirinaku Junsui ni chikai Daten ~Fall Down~" (04:05) 2012-11-24 Posted |
MakoTP shows us various beautiful illustrations to look back over the history of the past 7 years. When did you get to know THE IDOLM@STER?