Nov 27, 2012 Pickups
* Juusho Futei Mushoku "Kiss Kiss" feat. Miki by TakkyuP
Juusho Futei Mushoku "Kiss Kiss" feat. Miki (02:17) 2012-11-25 Posted |
TakkyuP made a debut in the Nicom@s community with a celebration movie for Miki's birthday five years ago. However, on November 24th. We are looking forward to his fine works!
* Suara "Taiyo to Tsuki(Sun and Moon)" feat. Takane by R(abbr)P
Suara "Taiyo to Tsuki(Sun and Moon)" feat. Takane (02:11) 2012-11-26 Posted |
This movie seems to consist of movies cut out from SHINY FESTA. We can't take our eyes off the beauty of this video.
* HATSUNE Miku "PIANO*GIRL" feat. Haruka by PekemaruP
HATSUNE Miku "PIANO*GIRL" feat. Haruka (01:25) 2012-11-25 Posted |
PekemaruP participated Voc@loidm@ster festival 6 with this work. You should be completely smitten with lovely Haruka.