Feb 13, 2013 Pickups
* Up Up Girls (Kari) "Chopper Chopper" by GyoP
Up Up Girls (Kari) "Chopper Chopper" (03:20) 2013-02-12 Posted |
GyoP released an incredible work as always. It surely makes you feel so cheery. Let's call! NO MUSIC, NO iDOL!
* Perfume "macaroni" feat. Mami and Yukiho by KaiP
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This KaiP's work has a soft atmosphere that harmonizes with the song. You want to be with idols for all time, don't you?
* Kishida Kyoudan & the Akeboshi Rockets "Jiyuu e no Sanka" by ZaneiP
Kishida Kyoudan & the Akeboshi Rockets "Jiyuu e no Sanka" (06:00) 2013-02-12 Posted |
It's a wonderful video full of love to THE IDOLM@STER. We can't neatly explain anymore. Anyway, watch it. Never miss it!