THE iDOLM@STER MAD World Service -The Gentlemen's guide to the idolmaster-

Apr 20, 2013 Pickups for Shouta's birthday and one more thing

* Shouta's birthday

It's Shouta's birthday, today. several tens of works to celebrate his birthday are released. We pick up two of them today.

* ave;new feat. SAKURA Saori "true my heart" feat. Shouta by MaikesshaP

ave;new feat. SAKURA Saori "true my heart" feat. Shouta

ave;new feat. SAKURA Saori "true my heart" feat. Shouta (01:54)

2013-04-20 Posted
88 Mylists

We are a little bit surprised that a celebratory movie with this song are made for a male idol. Many viewers wrote "Kawaii!" for this video. That's wrong..., well, correct.

* TAKAYAMA Naritaka "News na Gakkou" feat. Shouta by FukuramiP

TAKAYAMA Naritaka "News na Gakkou" feat. Shouta

TAKAYAMA Naritaka "News na Gakkou" feat. Shouta (01:54)

2013-04-20 Posted
27 Mylists

It's a truly heartwarming video created by FukuramiP. From the video we can understand that FukuramiP really likes Shouta. Enjoy!

* KITAMURA Eri "Happy Girl" by MeiroP, PekemaruP and NormalP

Sorry, sm20647668 was deleted.

This is also a nice and heartwarming work. MeiroP, PekemaruP and NormalP use a group alias "Sofiasuiko" for making the movie. Nicom@s creators like collaborations and using various group aliases, it's hard to get the picture.

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