May 10, 2013 Pickups
* RIP SLYME "I.N.G" feat. Iori by KaiP
RIP SLYME "I.N.G" feat. Iori (04:54) 2013-05-09 Posted |
KaiP released this work for Iori's birthday. Well-synchronized dances and a various costumes make us feel so happy. Have fun!
* Tia produced by ryo(supercell) "Love Me Give Me" by MinikonP and ChikamichiP
Tia produced by ryo(supercell) "Love Me Give Me" (00:56) 2013-05-09 Posted |
Since the releases of Cinderella Girls and MILLIONLIVE!, a variety of idols appear in THE IDOLM@STER sphere. This movie is for those who like very young idols...
* NENE Nene "Boku no Sekai(My World) II" feat. Yukiho by DAT3P
NENE Nene "Boku no Sekai(My World) II" feat. Yukiho (03:06) 2013-05-10 Posted |
DAT3P mixed images of real-world and idol to make a cool work. That makes the movie really attractive. Enjoy its beautiful atmosphere.