THE iDOLM@STER MAD World Service -The Gentlemen's guide to the idolmaster-

May 31, 2013 Pickups

* MINASE Iori "Houki Gumo" by KelmaP

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What a beautiful movie! Though KelmaP's works are always unique for their excellent background images, this movie is really overwhelming. Never miss it!

* AJISAI "EXIT" feat. Haruka by YuppiP

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There are many problems in our life. It often happens that we can't easily find a way out of them and are worried solitarily. Haruka did so, but she realized that she had good comrades.

* BUGY CRAXONE "Hallelujah" feat. Haruka by OperaP

BUGY CRAXONE "Hallelujah" feat. Haruka

BUGY CRAXONE "Hallelujah" feat. Haruka (03:24)

2013-05-29 Posted
121 Mylists

OperaP shows us very cute Haruka using a encouraging song. It's also good that every idols of 765PRO appear in the latter half of the movie. Enjoy!

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