Aug 02, 2013 Pickups
* miwa "Miracle" feat. Haruka by AnaruJigokuP
miwa "Miracle" feat. Haruka (02:18) 2013-08-01 Posted |
What a beautiful image! We always admire AnaruJigokuP's talent. Never miss it!
* androp "Party" feat. Iori, Miki and Mami by SeptumP
androp "Party" feat. Iori, Miki and Mami (02:26) 2013-08-01 Posted |
SeptumP got idols to show well-synchronized dance performance as usual. While we stare intently at the screen, two and a half minutes fly by. Have fun!
* the pillows "RUNNERS HIGH" feat. Miki, Ritsuko and Hibiki by TakkyuP
the pillows "RUNNERS HIGH" feat. Miki, Ritsuko and Hibiki (01:33) 2013-08-01 Posted |
Nicom@s Rock Fes, an event to produce MAD movies using rock music, has begun this year, too. We are anticipating that we watch a lot of great Nicom@s works this summer!