Oct 30, 2013 Pickups
* _yi "tsu" by Oreman
_yi "tsu" (01:36) 2013-10-30 Posted |
This is our first pickup of Oreman's work. It's an interesting video using a lot of scenes of THE IDOLM@STER animation.
* KAGAMINE Rin "Ur-Style -arbitrary style-" feat. Miki and Ritsuko by na
KAGAMINE Rin "Ur-Style -arbitrary style-" feat. Miki and Ritsuko (02:27) 2013-10-30 Posted |
It's a simple MMD video of a duo of Miki and Ritsuko, but they are so cute. And colorful macaroons are nice!
* Harunaba feat. NU-KO "Katate Dokusho" feat. Haruka by KuyokuganP
Harunaba feat. NU-KO "Katate Dokusho" feat. Haruka (02:07) 2013-10-30 Posted |
KuyokuganP's latest video makes you feel happy with its scene changes in a rhythmic pace. For your information, a girl at the right top corner is "Micchan" from pop'n music.