Jan 10, 2014 Pickups
* GO MY MEDLEY!! by GingaP & EttooP
GO MY MEDLEY!! (04:49) 2014-01-10 Posted |
GingaP created an entertaining medley of songs from THE IDOLM@STER and other Japanese animations. How many songs do you pick out from this medley?
* Soutaisei Riron "Kininaru Anoko" feat. Miki and Iori by SuikuuP
Soutaisei Riron "Kininaru Anoko" feat. Miki and Iori (03:00) 2014-01-10 Posted |
This is our first pickup of SuikuuP's work. Why haven't we ever introduced this Nicom@s creator? Have fun!
* AMANO Tsukiko "Tsuki(Moon)" feat. Takane by ShonenP
AMANO Tsukiko "Tsuki(Moon)" feat. Takane (03:12) 2014-01-10 Posted |
ShonenP admitted that a combination with Takane and a song of the moon is so typical. But this video is very beautiful and affecting. Don't miss it!