Jan 18, 2014 Pickups
* Sambomaster "Hikari no Rock" feat. Haruka by Poyozaburou
Sambomaster "Hikari no Rock" feat. Haruka (01:31) 2014-01-16 Posted |
Poyozaburou made a debut into the Nicom@s community with this video. Because of its dynamic and speedy camera work, we can't take our eyes off the screen even for a moment.
* MIURA Azusa "Kiss Me Good-bye" by AdP
MIURA Azusa "Kiss Me Good-bye" (03:30) 2014-01-18 Posted |
Kiss Me Good-Bye is a request song for THE IDOLM@STER MASTER ARTIST 07. It is the main theme song of Final Fantasy XII. Enjoy Azusa's beautiful singing voice and graceful dance.
* MAKIHARA Noriyuki "GREEN DAYS" by into_the_blueP
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Into_the_blueP has already released some novel-style Nicom@s videos, but this is the first work in music video style. We are looking forward to the forthcoming movie premiere.