Feb 10, 2014 Pickups
* SiM "DUBSOLUTiON #4" feat. Takane by HoppekunP
SiM "DUBSOLUTiON #4" feat. Takane (02:58) 2014-02-08 Posted |
HoppekunP made this video for Takane's birthday. BTW He/She shows a wondrous story in the video. Is that Takane's dream?
* ABE Nana "Maerchen Debut! - Ballad Remix" by Xenon
ABE Nana "Maerchen Debut! - Ballad Remix" (03:54) 2014-02-09 Posted |
Xenon created an interesting remix of Nana's song. It makes us feel like we're in the retirement ceremony for her.
* YUKA "Oryouri Koushinkyoku" feat. Ai by SekusaharaP
YUKA "Oryouri Koushinkyoku" feat. Ai (02:30) 2014-02-10 Posted |
This is our first pickup of SekusaharaP's work. We're surprised that he/she released 300 Nicom@s videos in a year! The list of the videos appears in the latter half of this video.