Feb 12, 2014 Pickups
* Amin "Matsuwa" feat. Azusa and Ritsuko by NmoP
Amin "Matsuwa" feat. Azusa and Ritsuko (02:01) 2014-02-11 Posted |
A few days ago we wrote that a duo of Azusa and Ritsuko is seldom used. But here is another one. This duo goes well with a Japanese 80's big hit.
* amber gris "Amazing world" feat. Haruka by Dorakeke
amber gris "Amazing world" feat. Haruka (02:26) 2014-02-11 Posted |
Dorakeke created a video of Haruka as usual. She is dancing lively on a brilliant stage and her smile is dazzling!
* Kahimi Karie "I Call You Call Me" feat. Chihaya by DoburokuP
Kahimi Karie "I Call You Call Me" feat. Chihaya (03:17) 2014-02-11 Posted |
This DoburokuP's work participates in CUBF (Chihaya Underground Birthday Festival). You will find yourself satisfied with what you saw. Don't miss it!