Apr 23, 2014 Pickups
* n-qia "shootingstar" feat. Haruka, Yukiho and Iori by OwariutaP
n-qia "shootingstar" feat. Haruka, Yukiho and Iori (04:06) 2014-04-23 Posted |
OwariutaP creates a unique vision of the world. There are many ways to express this video, if we were to use one word, "Beautiful"!
* capsule "french lesson" by KaiP
capsule "french lesson" (03:26) 2014-04-22 Posted |
We're sure everyone has a delightful time with this KaiP's work. Un, deux, un, deux, trois! Have fun!!
* Nanakaratto "YOU!!" feat. Hibiki by mizusawa
Nanakaratto "YOU!!" feat. Hibiki (03:06) 2014-04-22 Posted |
Mizusawa made a debut with this work into the Nicom@s community. We and not a few viewers of Nico Nico think that he/she is a promising new comer. What do you think of him/her?