May 21, 2014 Pickups
* Leon "Acceleration" by GtamaP
Leon "Acceleration" (02:12) 2014-05-19 Posted |
GtamaP seems to be an MMD video creator nowadays, but he/she made a fine edited Nicom@s work this time. Don't miss it!
* NITTA Minami "Vinus Syndrome - Remix" by sitaP
NITTA Minami "Vinus Syndrome - Remix" (04:21) 2014-05-21 Posted |
We are surprised that sitaP released a new remix work for the first time in four years. Enjoy Minami's beautiful singing voice on a J-Euro music.
* REBECCA "MOON" feat. Ami and Mami by RinP
REBECCA "MOON" feat. Ami and Mami (04:46) 2014-05-21 Posted |
RinP released a celebratory video for Ami and Mami's birthday a little bit early. You may understand a story of the video if you read the lyrics of this song.