Jun 10, 2014 Pickups
* plazma "feeling in my mind" feat. Makoto by KaiP
plazma "feeling in my mind" feat. Makoto (04:52) 2014-06-07 Posted |
KaiP shows us Makoto's sexy and mysterious performance. Enjoy its fantastic atmosphere and her slow dances.
* GRANRODEO The Other self by YuppiP
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This song is the second opening theme of "Kuroko no Basuke". YuppiP skillfully combined the song with THE IDOLM@STER Animation.
* NANAO Yuriko "Toumei na Prologue - Remixes" by KakunashiP
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KakunashiP arranged Yuriko's song "Toumei na Prologue" like a video game music. This video includes two kinds of remixes. Which do you prefer?