May 04, 2015 Pickups
* KITAZAWA Shiho "Hitomi no Naka no Sirius" by OrangeParkaP
KITAZAWA Shiho "Hitomi no Naka no Sirius" (02:34) 2015-05-04 Posted |
* SHIKATA Akiko "EXEC_FLIP_ARPHAGE/." feat. Haruka, Yukiho and Iori by OwariutaP
SHIKATA Akiko "EXEC_FLIP_ARPHAGE/." feat. Haruka, Yukiho and Iori (05:12) 2015-05-04 Posted |
* URCHIN FARM "Role-playing" feat. Yuriko by HabaneroP
URCHIN FARM "Role-playing" feat. Yuriko (03:13) 2015-05-04 Posted |
I notice that you're trying to catch up with the actual date, but one thing, what happened to the next "Weekly Ranking Show"? I never saw any notice of possible delay or anything. please, do something about it if you can. And thanks.
We found that it was released on yesterday, and are going to pick it up for a post for 7th. Please be patient for a little while.