Aug 29, 2008 Makoto's birthday
* Today's Makoto's 16th birthday. Congratulations!
* the KIKUCHI, Makoto's birthday event
【アイドルマスター】菊地真誕生日企画本番【やーりぃ】 (15:23) 2008-08-29 Posted |
There are 59 hand-drawers joined in this event. Congratulations, Makoto!
And enjoy watching celebrating movies today!
* Ask DNA (Cowboy Bebop the movide OP) by orescoP
アイドルマスター 「Ask DNA(劇場版カウボーイビバップ OP)」 (01:50) 2008-08-29 Posted |
(*゚∀゚)Hey you, better ask her nice!
* Stray Mind by gomaP
Sorry, sm4446442 was deleted.
* iM@Scooking What Iori did for Makoto's Birthday
アイドルマスター アイマスクッキング 真の誕生日の伊織の行動 (06:37) 2008-08-29 Posted |
One is a gift from Iori to Makoto. The other is super, beyond hand-drawing animation. Watch IT!