Aug 30, 2008 Pickups
* M@STER PUNKS! vol.3 by EchoP
アイドルマスター M@STER PUNKS! vol.3 (03:40) 2008-08-30 Posted |
A week before, EchoP released very artistic PV and a announce today's it...
Then you also have to see M@STER FESTIVAL'08.
* "Out Of Control" feat. Makoto, Iori and Ritsuko by JeanP
アイドルマスター 『Out Of Control』 真 伊織 律子 (02:05) 2008-08-29 Posted |
Found it in Makoto's birthday festival. It's nice job by JanP!
* Hand-drawing animation "Newcoming Actress, Makoto KIKUCHI" by KeybowP
アイドルマスター 手書きMAD 『新人女優 きくちまこと』 (02:20) 2008-08-29 Posted |
It's the first product by KewbowP, As it's very unique, it' so good that he described Makoto's natural.