Jul 09, 2009 Western Day
* Western Day
Every Thursday,
on Western musics you'll watch GREAT iM@S MAD videos.
Rocks, Pops and sometimes Classical music!?
Don't miss 'em!
* Michael Jackson "P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)" feat. Yayoi, Iori and Ami by Doku38gataP
Michael Jackson "P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)" feat. Yayoi, Iori and Ami (03:09) 2009-06-28 Posted |
Because of his perfect dance, surprisingly few iM@S MAD movies using Michael Jackson's song exsist. We pick up one of them made to mourn over his death. Three young idols dance for him who loves children. R.I.P.
* jet "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" by KarakuriP
jet "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" (01:35) 2009-07-06 Posted |
It was the President of 765 Production, Mr. Takagi's birthday on July 6. Idols' silhouettes dance, respecting him who always appears in his silhouette. ...but, it was really similar to an old CM of Apple iPod!
* Junior Senior "Rhythm Bandits" feat. Miki, Yukiho and Ritsuko by ShojonP
Junior Senior "Rhythm Bandits" feat. Miki, Yukiho and Ritsuko (01:13) 2009-07-03 Posted |
Though the silhouette effect is also used in the beginning part of this MAD, it does not relates to President Takagi. Enjoy ShojonP's matchless flood of colors.