Apr 01, 2010 Western Day
* Western Day
Every Thursday,
on Western musics you'll watch GREAT iM@S MAD videos.
Rocks, Pops and sometimes Classical music!?
Don't miss 'em!
* hexstatic "perfect bird" feat. Yayoi feat. Yayoi by OkaoP
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The first pickup for the Western day is OkaoP's work. Though we have picked up movies using real scenes, this is the most mysterious one. Not only Yayoi but birds are synchronized with the music.
* The Qemists "S.W.A.G" by JetP
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The second one is JetP's work. It shows his style using overwhelming effects, and one NicoM@S blogger named the style "Jet Noir" We put idols tags only that we could confirm. If you find other idols, let us know by your comment.
* LULLACRY "this time" feat. Ritsuko, Mami and Yayoi by LordiP
LULLACRY "this time" feat. Ritsuko, Mami and Yayoi (03:23) 2010-03-18 Posted |
The last one is LordiP's work. The movie attracts us by its synchronization with used rock music and stylish scene change. Ritsuko's hair extension is quite nice, isn't it?