Apr 02, 2010 Pickups
* MINASE Iori "Spring Memories" by IrohaP
MINASE Iori "Spring Memories" (01:55) 2010-03-18 Posted |
In Tokyo, Japan, cherries are now in full bloom. The MAD movie uses Iori's solo number from an CD album, "MASTER SPRING SPRING(MSS)," released some days ago. The theme of the CD is spring, so it includes many calm songs like this.
* AKIZUKI Ritsuko "Flower is cherry blossom, you are beautiful" by CynthiaP
AKIZUKI Ritsuko "Flower is cherry blossom, you are beautiful" (03:17) 2010-03-26 Posted |
The next one is also an song of cherry blossom. This is a laborious work by manual-vocaloid technology that synthesized Ritsuko's song voice. Originally, this is a love song singing a girl taking care his lover, but it also depicts well Ritsuko's concern for Miki who moved to 961 Production.
* YAMASHITA Tatsuro "A high atmospheric pressure girl" feat. Miki by liveluckp
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Two songs above are calm, so the last one should be cheerful! We also wonder why, the last one is a movie using a fresh summer song by Tatsuro Yamashita :-) Miki in a swimsuit is so charming, isn't she?