Oct 31, 2010 The iDOLM@STER Weekly Ranking of October 4th week
* The iDOLM@STER Weekly Ranking
We introduce the iDOLM@STER weekly ranking to you week by week.
The iDOLM@STER weekly ranking has the longest history and is the best authoritative in the ranking movies of the iM@S MADs, which has been tirelessly published for more than three years. This series is the most suited to know popularity and information of the iM@S MADs.
The iDOLM@STER Weekly Ranking of October 4th week (15:45) 2010-10-31 Posted |
If there are movies which you want to watch more, please write down the movie information (e.g. movie number: sm***, or rank...) as a comment! We'll profile the movies in this page or the Pickup! Take it easy.
- Thmlues "Deko and Boko" by TakemitsuP
- A novel in Japanese.
- A novel in Japanese.
- pop'n music 18 "Suwa Hideo-no Goro-Goro Nengo Oboe Uta Kettei-ban" by TsukasaP
- A novel in Japanese.
- A novel in Japanese.
- A novel in Japanese.
- A novel in Japanese.
- HD version of samfree feat. Korosuke "Luka Luka Night Fever" by SabotenP
- A novel in Japanese.
- Momoko Hayashi "You make me happy!" by masamasaP
* "blushing Makoto" by Yonasi-kun
blushing Makoto (00:13) 2010-10-23 Posted |
This week's No.28!