THE iDOLM@STER MAD World Service -The Gentlemen's guide to the idolmaster-

May 27, 2011 Pickups

* Kana Nishino "Style." feat. Hibiki by MasaneP

Kana Nishino "Style." feat. Hibiki

Kana Nishino "Style." feat. Hibiki (01:36)

2011-05-25 Posted
191 Mylists

We always want to pick up maiden works by great new comers, and we are happy to do so again, today. Though MasaneP's work does not shows any showy effects, you can find that Hibiki finely performing on the stage in it. Do not miss it and look forward to his/her next works!

* Yuko Ando "Lost child." feat. Chihaya by KuronukoP

Yuko Ando "Lost child." feat. Chihaya

Yuko Ando "Lost child." feat. Chihaya (01:43)

2011-05-26 Posted
1,271 Mylists

KuronukoP is famous for his unique movie style using hand-drawn animation, and has just released his latest work. Chihaya combined with actual scenes in the city is quite beautiful. If you are impressed by the movie, check "kuronukoP" tag below. Enjoy it!

* The trailer of "HaRuKarnival'11" by GyoP

The trailer of "HaRuKarnival'11"

The trailer of "HaRuKarnival'11" (02:01)

2011-05-27 Posted
444 Mylists

The "HaRuKarnival," the event to make live style MAD movies mainly featuring Haruka, is coming again! In 2010, a lot of excellent entries were released for the event, and we strongly expects in 2011. GyoP's flier movie using a legendary song, "Princess Bride!" is also quite nice. Do not miss and look forward to coming entries that will be released during June!

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