Jan 17, 2012 Pickups
* COLTEMONIKHA "CLM" feat. Chihaya by ShojonP
COLTEMONIKHA "CLM" feat. Chihaya (01:43) 2012-01-16 Posted |
ShojonP's latest work is fancy and how he is. "BK MANIAC" is a shop and comes on to "The Idolm@ster2". But this movie is like a commercial movie of an apparel maker.
* "Gin Ei" feat. Haruka by TsubameP
"Gin Ei" feat. Haruka (01:28) 2012-01-17 Posted |
TsubameP's work has a tranquil atmosphere. This is short but make us feel story of the activities' front stage and the under side as idol. Watch it!
* SHINOHARA Yiyako "Ao(Blue)" feat. Chihaya by ShonenP and AruP
SHINOHARA Yiyako "Ao(Blue)" feat. Chihaya (03:56) 2012-01-16 Posted |
As its title "Blue", ShonenP made striking image of deep blue. AruP draw an illustration of Chihaya. Heart moving voice and colors make us feel comfort.