Jan 18, 2012 Pickups
* mihimaru GT "Kibun Joujou" by Yu-tiruP
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Today, as contrasted to yesterday, we pickup upbeat movies which make us fun. First, Yu-tiruP's virgin work at NicoM@s Community. He packs many things in it, and that makes us fun.
PARQUETS "MELT" (02:07) 2012-01-18 Posted |
Next, this is a movie made from materials of the social game "The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls". The idol's materials are so few. Please watch it to the end. There will be some good.
* galaxias! "galaxias!" feat. Haruka, Chihaya and Miki by SabotenP
galaxias! "galaxias!" feat. Haruka, Chihaya and Miki (01:33) 2012-01-15 Posted |
At last, SabotenP made a movie with MMD. Watching an active dance, we become so happy, don't we?