Jan 26, 2013 Pickups
* ONE OK ROCK "C.h.a.o.s.m.y.t.h." feat. Haruka by 39+a
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There are already fine MADs of the IDOLM@STER animation and ONE OK ROCK, another one is here. We picked up 39+a's work for the first time, but he/she made a lot of excellent MADs. Don't miss it!
* capsule "Striker" feat. Haruka by rin
capsule "Striker" feat. Haruka (03:30) 2013-01-25 Posted |
It's mysterious and cool! This video seems to be an MMD movie with visual effects by After Effects. Oh, we almost forgot. She is not Home Haruka but genuine Haruka.
* KISARAGI Chihaya "Chiisaki Mono" by GuriguriP
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This cover song is included in the CD "THE IDOLM@STER ANIM@TION MASTER Namassuka SPECIAL 05". Just listen to the song and your heart will be touched. So the GuriguriP's video touches your heart more deeply.