Jan 30, 2013 Pickups
* Momoiro Clover Z "Saraba, Itoshiki Kanashimi-tachi yo" feat. Haruka, Takane, Hibiki, Iori and Mami by YOUCA
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They used to say that the songs of Morning Musume match IDOLM@STER very well. Momoiro Clover Z probably fits more naturally into IDOLM@STER. Have a lot of fun for five minutes!
* Fujifabric "HELLO" feat. Makoto by Kuroinu
Fujifabric "HELLO" feat. Makoto (03:19) 2013-01-29 Posted |
We picked up Kuroinu's video for the first time. We are attracted to Makoto's dance synchronizing to a refreshing music well. Don't miss it!
* AMAMI Haruka "Kimi no Mama de" by OperaP
AMAMI Haruka "Kimi no Mama de" (01:52) 2013-01-30 Posted |
This is a cover song included in the new CD "THE IDOLM@STER ANIM@TION MASTER Namassuka Special Curtain Call". There's no word except "kawaii" for her.